Friday, July 16, 2010

Bare Island 17 July 2010

Dive No. 359 10.58 am, 17 degrees, 57 mins, 15.2 max, 10.7 av
First dive at Bare since the desalination plant was built. We dived the western side; the tide was high and the water was slightly choppy and there were waves breaking on the western point and also on the south-western and eastern sides.
Peter M was divemaster, I was buddied with Liz and Julian was there as well. We saw about five Port Jackson sharks - one swam underneath me and almsot seemed to be following me. I think he was trying to get away from all the attention of the other divers but ran into me instead! Not much else to comment on: Liz found a knife, there was a pair of plump black leatherjackets and some crested morwongs and even a small school of yellowtail but not much else of note. The sponge gardens seem intact. An enjoyable dive though it got slightly cold near the end.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gordons Bay 10th July 2010

Dive No. 358 10.52 am, 17 degrees, 52 mins, 13.4 max, 8.2 av
Lovely to get back in the water after another hiatus. Gordons Bay had good vis but not much marine life. I was buddied with Liz, Sharon G and Allen. The first thing we saw after descending was a Port Jackson shark. We also saw some stingrays and the usual mados, yellowtails, hulas, kelpfish, morwongs and assorted others.