Friday, January 30, 2009

Bare Island 31st January 2009

Dive No. 335. 11.12 am, 17 degrees, 65 mins, 8.8 max, 5.2 av
Bad vis in the warmer water, good vis in the cold water! There was a strong thermocline coming from the northeast (the direction that we were heading towards), which improved the visibility but made the dive a little less enjoyable. Buddies Anna and Liz were getting very cold, Amanda Pol seemed okay and I was cold but somehow still enjoying myself. Not many fish or other largish creatures about but lovely sponge gardens and quite a few nudibranchs.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Camp Cove 17th January 2009

Dive No. 334.
10.32 am, 21 degrees, 73 mins, 6.1 max, 4.3 av
Poor vis but water was warm so it was a relaxing dive except for numerous buddy-losing occurrences. Octopus, cuttlefish, squid, different types of leatherjacket, gropers, mados, morwongs, hulas, parmas, etc.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Shiprock 4th January 2009

Dive No. 333.
2.20 pm, 21 degrees, 40 mins, 15.5 max, 11 av
Amazing site with hallucinogenic sponge growth on the wall; green moray, lots of different fish like yellowtail, stripeys, old wifes, a fish that resembled a moorish idol (probably yellowtail angelfish or truncate coralfish), leatherjackets, scorpion fish, etc.

Inscription Point, Kurnell 4th January 2009

Dive No. 332
10.27 am, 20 degrees, 54 mins, 12.8 max, 10.1 av
Buddied with Liz and Amanda Pol; beautiful sponge gardens though not a great deal of fish life. Liz found a beautiful yellow seahorse; two weedy sea dragons, lots of nudis and other molluscs, leatherjackets, gropers, etc.

Shelly Beach 3rd January 2009

Dive No. 331.
10.44 am, 21 degrees, 64 mins, 9.5 max, 4.6 av
The dive started badly with my camera housing flooding! Sharon G and I buddied up and went a fairly long way around the point where we found 2 weedy sea dragons amongst the kelp; also golden moray, wobbegong, crowds of young white-eared parmas, mados, etc.