Back in the water! Fairy Bower 18th April 2010

Dive No. 357.
11.02 am, 21 degrees, 73 mins, 7.6 max, 4.9 av
Buddied with Liz, who was also on her three hundred and fifty-seventh dive! (What are the odds?!) For me, it was back in the water, scuba diving for the first time since August last year. The conditions at the Bower were beautiful: warm water, sunny weather, plenty of fish and other creatures about (but not the dusky whalers, unfortunately). We saw practically everything else you would expect to see at Fairy including beautiful streamlined squid darting away from snorkellers, giant cuttlefish, a couple of wobbegongs, old wifes, bulls eyes, huge schools of yellowtail on the eastern and western side (they're so unafraid of people after living in the Marine Park for all these years - we need more marine parks or sanctuaries in NSW!), large schools of mullet, various leatherjackets, good old blue groper plus numerous other wrasse and an enormous tarwhine.
Very enjoyable dive, in spite of some mask leakage.