Monday, December 29, 2008

Chowder Bay 29th December 2008

Dive No. 330.
3.22 am, 21 degrees, 64 mins, 9.5 max, 4.6 av
Poor vis again, and low tide made things more difficult but there were some good things like mosaic leatherjacket, schools of drummer, blackfish, bream, etc.

Clifton Gardens 29th December 2008

Dive No. 329.
12.03 am, 21 degrees, 90 mins, 10.7 max, 4 av
Seahorse, large leatherjackets, cuttlefish; the vis wasn’t too good but it was an enjoyable, relaxing and long dive.
PLUS -- it was Liz's 300th dive!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bare Island 27th December 2008

Dive No. 328.
10.42 am, 18 degrees, 72 mins, 15.5 max, 10.1 av
Liz, Julian and me; west side. Moray, nudis, schools of pomfret and yellowtails, blue groper, usual suspects.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Camp Cove 21st December 2008

Dive No. 327.
10.50 am, 20 degrees, 72 mins, 5.8 max, 4.3 av
Very large club group so Liz and I took off by ourselves. We headed towards the heads first (east-north-east) where there were large groupings of rock cale and small cuttlefish (there were 8 cuttlefish in one group). Then we headed west and I eventually found the reef in the middle where we were accompanied by a scarred blue groper who appreciated me turning over a couple of rocks so he could get the brittlestars hiding underneath. As we headed back to the beach we searched, unsuccessfully, for seahorses amongst the kelp. We also saw a stingray, pufferfish, schools of drummer and luderick and a mosaic leatherjacket, which allowed me to get cheek-by-cheek with him.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fairlight 14th December 2008

Dive No 326.
11.37 am, 19 degrees, 76 mins, 10.4 max, 6.4 av
Liz, Amanda and me. Vis was milky and the water was cold below 5 metres. We headed east and explored the overhangs and canyons; morwongs, estuarine catfish, octopus, cuttlefish, old wifes, schools of yellowtail, surgeonfish (see image), drummer, bullseyes, pineapple fish and a seahare (see image).

Friday, December 5, 2008

Bare Island 6th December 2008

Dive No. 325.
11.07 am, 18 degrees, 54 mins, 16.8 max, 10.4 av
Liz, Jeffrey, Caroline and me -- west entrance (“boat ramp”); standard BI dive though we stumbled upon a new reef that we haven’t been to before. Numb ray, scorpion fish, small squids, school of yellowtail, blue groper (very friendly).