Fairy Bower 26th April 2008
Dive No. 306. 10.39 am, 20 degrees, 76 mins, 8.5 max, 6.4 av
Again, the conditions were surprisingly good, given that it had been raining torrentially all week (perhaps it’s to do with the time of year?); Amanda, Sharon Savage (on last regular D2K club dive for the time being, as she’s relocating to the Gold Coast) and I headed east and I saw two dusky whalers almost immediately. We kept heading east/north east until we got to the seagrass beds. There were plenty of duskies around, though the milky vis kept them only just in sight – it’s great watching them quickly swim away when you try to chase them, their bodies swaying.
Also saw a very large giant cuttlefish lying on the sand underneath an overhang – he looked pretty sluggish but made aggressive motions toward us when we got too close; also an estuarine catfish that was either dead or dying. There were plenty of fish around, including yellowtail, mados, hulafish, morwongs, old wifes, gropers, large tarwhine feeding on the seagrass beds, bream, etc.