Bare Island Western Side 26th January 2008
Dive No. 291. 10.59 am, 19 degrees, 66 mins, 15.5 max, 11 av
Relaxing dive with large D2K group, though we (Liz, Caroline and I) split off again. Not as much to see this time, partly because the vis was compromised by the large number of divers churning up the sand. Liz and I did a fish survey count for the first part of the dive. We saw a numbray which we naturally assumed was alive but found out he had actually ceased to exist when we passed him on the way back and he was upside down! I fed an urchin to a bluey, something I haven’t done for a year or so, but there are plenty of areas around the island devoid of seaweed so I assume they’re urchin barrens. It's interesting the way the blue gropers hang around waiting for such a treat and the way their concentration sharpens even more when you unsheathe your knife. There was nothing too much remarkable about this dive, although it was very enjoyable because it was so relaxed and we managed all the navigation and staying together with no problem. Caroline was excited about seeing a pygmy leatherjacket, they are relatively rare and cute but I’ve got some pix of them already.